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Iran Resistance Throws Support Behind Syrian People


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance has offered her “heartfelt condolences” to the people of Syria after the devastating bombardment by the Syrian Regime on a rebel-held Damascus suburb that killed at least 200 people, including many children.

Maryam Rajavi tweeted her support of the Syrian Resistance, who are working to free their country from an oppressive regime just as the Iranian Resistance does, and implored the international community to act.

Rajavi wrote: “The International Community must take serious measures to react to the crimes of [the Bashar] Assad dictatorship and [those of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei and end the eight-year pain and suffering of the people of Syria.”

The Iranian Regime is supporting the Syrian Regime in their war against their own people, because both rulers know that the biggest threat to their continued region is a democratic, popular people’s resistance.

The horrific attack in Damascus has resulted in the biggest loss of life in a single day in the Syrian Civil War for three years, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Five medical facilities in the area were also damaged and several medical workers were killed.

Panos Moumtzis, the United Nations regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis, said: “Such targeting of innocent civilians and infrastructure must stop now.”

He called on all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, which includes protecting civilians from harm.

He said: “The humanitarian situation of civilians in East Ghouta is spiralling out of control. It’s imperative to end this senseless human suffering now.”

Some members of the Regime have even taken to the internet to brag about this mass murder of children, like Brigadier General Suheil al-Hassan, leader of the Syrian Regime’s Tiger Force, who said that he wanted to teach the rebels “a lesson, in combat and in the fire”.

There was no advance warning about the attack or any attempt to evacuate civilians.

Now, the Syrian Civil War, which many believed to be dying down, appears to be entering a new phase with greater potential for military engagements between the countries in support of Assad (Iran, Russia) and those opposed (the United States, Turkey).

At the same time as this attack, there was also an advance on the Kurdish enclave of Afrin by Iran-backed militias flying Syrian government flags, but this was halted after Turkey fired an artillery barrage at the advancing militia forces.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reported that he had also spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Monday to negotiate the safe passage home of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees in Turkey.