Iran Regime Tortures Political Prisoners by Denying Them Medical Care

The Iranian regime’s authorities are denying political prisoner Majid Assadi access to medical care for his severe ailments.

The Iranian regime’s authorities are denying political prisoner uses illnesses in its attempt to break the will of political prisoners. should never have been jailed in the first place and now Iran’s authorities are violating his right to life by denying him life-saving medical care. @khamenei_ir Release Arash NOW!

— Amnesty Iran (@AmnestyIran) August 13, 2019


One Baluchi Sunni Muslim, who has been imprisoned since 2009 for alleged crimes committed by his brother, has been under torture for the past three months in Ardabil Prison, northwest Iran.

Mohammad Saber Malek Raeisi, an ethnic Baluchi, has been transferred to Ardabil Prison’s quarantine section when psychologically ill prisoners are usually held.

Raeisi was arrested by the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) when he was only 15, after returning from visiting his older brother in Pakistan, and was serving a 17-year prison sentence for “acting against national security by collaborating with an armed group”.

Raeisi has transferred thousands of kilometers away from his family and his only contact was through phone calls but these have since been stopped.

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