Iran regime steps up executions, 5 hanged in Bandar Abbas


NCRI – Iran’s fundamentalist regime hanged five prisoners on Tuesday in a jail in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.

The five prisoners were only identified by their initials H.Q., M.A., H.J., A.S. and E.M.

The Mizan Online News Agency, affiliated to the regime’s Judiciary quoted on Tuesday the head of the Judiciary in Hormozgan Province, as saying that the prisoners were hanged in the courtyard of the Central Prison of Bandar Abbas. They were accused of drugs related charges.

Separately on Sunday, the regime hanged another prisoner in the Central Prison of Bandar Abbas, while another prisoner was hanged in Jahrom, southern Iran.
The prisoner in Bandar Abbas was identified as Habib Jamal-Zehi.

The execution in Jahrom was carried out in public, according to the Mehr news agency, which is affiliated to the regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).


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