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Iran Regime Sending People Back to Work Amid Coronavirus Will Result in Humanitarian Catastrophe

Iran: Coronavirus outbreak
Iran: Coronavirus outbreak

As the coronavirus death toll continues to rise in Iran, the regime’s officials reluctantly acknowledge an inevitable new peak of the disease due to their criminal decision to send people back to work. Yet due to society’s restiveness this decision might result in an uprising.  

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Friday that the coronavirus death toll in Iran is nearly 35,000 

Following the meeting of Health Ministers of member states of the World Health Organization, Saeed Namaki, the regime’s Health Minister, said: “We are still halfway through. We may still lose the game (the ball may elude our keeper) in the last minute, and we will be defeated and left humiliated in every corner of the globe.” 

Ali Akbari, a member of parliament from the city of Shiraz, in an interview on Friday with the state-run Entekhab daily, said: “There has been a rise in the Coronavirus spread in Fars Province over the past ten days. There is concern that the medical staff will suffer from fatigue and will be exhausted as the disease lingers on. 

In addition, Ali Maher, a member of the Anti-Corona Headquarters in Tehran, said: “In Tehran, it cannot be said that the situation has improved. We are waiting for the effects of the new conditions to appear.” 

Meanwhile, the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani is insisting on the regime’s criminal decision to send people back to work. Trying to avoid further condemnation of the regime’s decision to send people back to work even from within the regimeon April 18, Rouhani spoke of so-called “Smart Social Distancing Plan”   

The implementation of the Smart Social Distancing Plan has reduced the spread of the disease in some provinces and created a steady trend in other provinces, he said.  

In another development, Mohammad-Reza Zafar Ghandi, head of the regime’s Medical System Organization, in a letter to Rouhani on Thursday, wrote: “Any rush to open unnecessary and uncontrolled gathering sites such as places of worship, schools, and universities, will spread the disease, take lives, and waste past efforts. It will also exhaust the country’s medical staff.”  

The regime’s reason for sending people back to work 

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, the regime resorted to cover-up in order to use the disease to oppress and control the restive Iranian society. Therefore, for days, the mullahs avoided quarantining people and when they did, unlike other governments, the Iranian regime did not financially help people. The regime wastes the national wealth and resources on terrorism to export chaos abroad, and billions of dollars are lost in the regime’s black hole of corruption. The regime’s attitude increased the pressure on Iranian society which is grappling with poverty and economic hardships. This financial hardship, which was rapidly creating an army of hungry people, terrified the regime’s officials. The last two series of Iran protests in 2017 and 2019, that shook the regime’s foundation and pushed it to the edge of downfall, were triggered due to the economic hardships.  

In this regard, the state-run Sharq daily wrote on April 8: “The relationship between the people and government has reached a crucial point. The events of November 2019 and January 2020 (Iran Protests) and the kind of slogans used at the time and the rate of participation in the March elections, along with the international attitude of the U.S. government and targeting the Islamic system’s existence have created a situation that leaving it requires tough decisions.” 

Since its foundation, the mullahs’ regime has been prioritizing its security and holding its grasp on power over people’s lives and well-being. The regime’s founder, Ruhollah Khomeini, blatantly said that “preserving the system is the top priority.” With this theory, Khomeini continued prolonged the Iran-Iraq War with millions of casualties, and if was not for the Iranian Resistance’s international and regional activities and the looming possibility of a social turmoil, Khomeini would have continued this devastating war, as he said: “until the last house standing in Tehran.”  

Due to its medieval ideology, institutionalized corruption, and oppressive nature, the regime was quickly rejected by the Iranian society, therefore, to hold their grasp on power, the mullahs seized every opportunity they had to massacre and oppress Iranian people. Sending Iranian people back to work amid the coronavirus outbreak, like manipulating and sending children to swipe the minefields during the Iran-Iraq war, or massacring hundreds of thousands of Iranian youth and opposition members and supporters, is another criminal decision by the religious fascism to oppress Iranian people and preserve its rule.  

Yet this is a strategic mistake. The Iranian people, with their glorious uprising in November and sacrificing over 1500 martyrs, their general boycott of the regime’s sham parliamentary elections and with the MEK’s Resistance Units as their avant-gardes, will not succumb to the grief of this tragedy, as heartbreaking it is, and they will rise up. In a nutshell, the restive Iranian society which is scorching because of the regime’s four decades of injustice, imposing poverty, corruption, and oppression awaits a spark to explode.