Iran: Regime phone-taps family of political prisoner

The family of political prisoner Zia Nabavi is being subjected to phone-tapping and repression of basic liberties by Iranian security forces, according to reports from inside Iran.

His loved ones have also been forbidden from contacting his friends or making inquiries about his health or location.

Mr Nabavi was arrested in 2009 on charges of illegal political activity and is currently serving a ten-year sentence in Karoon Prison, in Ahvaz. He is a former student at Noshirvani Babol University in the province of Mazandaran and also has relatives in Camp Liberty.

Students of Noshirvani Babol University staged their second protest on December 10 to demand the resignation of the Dean and the release of Mr Nabavi, holding pictures of their classmate and chanting ‘Release the student prisoner’.

Student activists who attended the protest received threatening phone calls from regime agents, according to reports.

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