Iran: Regime Officials Contradictory Remarks Show They Have No Intention to Control Coronavirus

Iran: Regime officials contradictory remarks show they have no intention to control coronavirus
Hassan Rouhani (Right)and His Health Minister, Saeed Namaki

As the coronavirus continues claiming people’s lives in Iran, the Iranian regime’s officials, instead of helping people, continue their inaction and cover-up and as they do, they make more contradictory remarks. These remarks show that the regime in its entirety has no intention of helping people 

The regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, has been leading the regime’s campaign of deception and lying. As more people continue to die, on Wednesday he blatantly said: People are at peace; if they need essential foodstuffs, they are available in shops; if they need sanitary stuff, they are available in stores; if they need hospital beds, they are available.” He made this remark, while earlier this month Rouhani and the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei forced people back to work amid the coronavirus outbreak, citing economic difficulties.  In justifying this, Rouhani had said: “The coronavirus is a disease, yet unemployment is a great danger. The coronavirus death should not be contained while there will be deaths due to poverty and unemployment.” 


On Thursday Rouhani said: Most hospital beds are empty. Our country’s statistics on Coronavirus fatalities show our success has been significant compared to other countries. The conditions of those who contracted the virus, those hospitalized, recovered, and those who have lost their lives is as desired.”  

On the same day, Rouhani’s Health Minister Saeed Namaki told Khamenei’s website: “Some think that we have many hospital beds. The ratio of hospital beds for every 1000 people is 1.6. The most underdeveloped European countries have five times more beds than we have. The ratio of nurses compared to beds in worst cases in Europe and the US is two to three times more than ours.” 

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Rouhani, while trying to downplay the crisis by comparing Iran under the mullahs’ rule to Western countries, blatantly said: “Many heads of states in phone conversations said yes, we are aware of your statistics, we know your figures, your roadmap. All of them expressed appreciation to Iran for carrying out a strong, coherent work in dealing with this virus.”  

Mina Moharez, a member of the committee to deal with coronavirus in the Health Ministry, told the state-run, Vatan-Emrouz, on April 29: “Statistical fluctuation in the Health Ministry’s reports indicate that Coronavirus is more active every day since the chain that spreads it to other parts of the country has not been cut. This virus is strongly contagious… Removal of restrictions on people moving around delivers severe blows to the health of the citizens, and if proper steps are not taken, we have to witness new waves of the spread of Coronavirus and the death of our compatriots.” 

In Babol, Dr. Alireza Jalali, head of the Medical Sciences University, told Khabar-e Dagh (Hot News), today: “Coronavirus has taken on a new life in the city, and the number of hospitalized patients has increased. So far, 109 patients are in the ICU.”  

These contradictory remarks once again confirm the Iranian Resistance’s repeated calls that the Iranian regime has no intention of helping people. For Rouhani and Khamenei and other regime’s officials the only thing that matters, is preserving their regime. These contradictory remarks among regime’s officials and their intensified infighting also portrays the regime’s fear of people’s outrage and the emerging threat of an uprising. Therefore, they try to frame one another for the crisis, meanwhile none of them takes any action.  

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: For Khamenei and Rouhani, the lives and well-being of the people are worthless. They only want to protect their regime from the threat of uprising. The criminal decision to send people to work is a crime against humanity and will cause countless number of victims of COVID-19 in Iran.” 


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