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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran Regime Murders Another Baluchi Fuel Seller in Cold Blood

Iran Regime Murders Another Baluchi Fuel Seller in Cold Blood

Iran Regime Murders Another Baluchi Fuel Seller in Cold Blood

By Mahmoud Hakamian

The Iranian Regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) murdered a hardworking father in cold blood on Tuesday.

The as-yet-unnamed gasoline seller from southeast Iran was a member of the constantly oppressed Baluchi minority, which only sheds further light on the brutality of the mullahs towards their people, especially the Baluchis.

In fact, the Regime has recently increased its attacks on fuel-selling Baluchis, which is parallel to their killing and murdering of porters in Iranian Kurdistan. This year alone has seen numerous incidents of the Iranian Regime’s authorities brutally killing Baluchi fuel sellers, which were recorded by the opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Here we will look at the crimes, but due to the secretive nature of the Iranian Regime, it’s important to remember that this list is unlikely to be complete.

• November 24: Two young Baluchi people from Sistan and Baluchistan province were burnt alive in their car when the Regime’s agents fired upon the vehicle igniting the fuel. Elsewhere, two Baluchi men were severely injured by Regime agents for carrying a few bags of tobacco in their car, while several other vehicles belonging to Baluchi people were attacked.

• November 20: A young man in Khash was murdered for supposedly carrying 10 litres of fuel.

• October 15: Two young people driving from Iranshahr to Sarbaz were burnt alive.

• May 30: One young man was killed and another injured on the road from Mehrestan to Saravan.

• May 25: Two young people from Dashtiari were killed.

• May 24: A woman at Friday Bazaar in Iranshahr was injured due to blind shooting by Regime agents.

• May 22: A young Baluchi labourer in Saravan was shot because he had a few boxes of mangoes.

• May 10: A young man in Saravan was shot and killed because he had four bags of rice in his car.

• April 27: A Baluchi person was shot and killed on the road to Khash, while the driver of the car was injured.

• March 30: A Baluchi man in Qasr Qand village was fired on for having 10 bags of rice in his car.

The NCRI wrote: “The criminal rulers of the country are targeting hardworking Baluchi youth with their bullets while they have no other option except buying and selling a few litres of fuel or other items needed by the people due to the severity of unemployment and poverty and in spite of the many dangers they face. The unemployment rate in some areas of the province is 100 per cent.”

Indeed, many members of the Iranian Regime have admitted that poverty is rampant in Iran and they cannot deny that it is targeting marginalised groups the most. Now, they are cracking down on desperate people who just want to make ends meet and are resorting to digging through garbage for food. All while the Regime wastes billions of dollars on their proxy wars, terrorist groups, and missile programmes.