Iran regime hangs two men in public for killing suppressive forces



NCRI – The mullahs’ regime hanged two men in public on Thursday accusing one of having killed three state suppressive force (police) agents earlier this year and the other of having killed a local judiciary chief last year.

The first victim, who was identified only as Abbas T., was hanged at dawn on August 11 in a public square in the southern Iranian city of Kazerun, the Mehr news agency, affiliated to the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), reported. He was accused of killing and injuring the regime’s security forces.

Also on Thursday, the regime hanged Hossein Abdollahi in public in Ravansar in the western Iranian province of Kermanshah. The regime’s local prosecutor from Kermanshah, Mojtaba Maleki, and the provincial head of the judiciary, Mohammad-Reza Edalatkhah, were present during the public execution, according to the state-run Mashreq News. Abdollahi was accused of killing Salim Qanbari, the head of the judiciary in Ravansar on February 10, 2015.

There were also reports that two other prisoners were hanged on Wednesday, August 10, in Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran.

Last week, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the mass execution of Sunni political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison, carried out on the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran, an appalling crime against humanity. The regime is trying in vain to contain the volatile social atmosphere and popular protests by terrorizing the public, she said.

The time has come for the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Security Council to end their silence and bring the record of the Iranian regime’s crimes before the International Criminal Court. Ali Khamenei and other leaders of the regime as well as direct perpetrators of these crimes must be brought to justice, Maryam Rajavi reiterated.

Public execution in Kazerun, Iran – August 11, 2016



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