Iran regime carried out more than a quarter of executions in the world

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NCRI- Amnesty International said on Tuesday in its annual report on the death penalty worldwide that in Iran at least 317 were executed in 2007.

According to the figures from Amnesty International's yearly statistics, at least 1,252 people were executed in 24 countries worldwide. More than a quarter of all known executions in the world were carried out by the regime in Iran.

NCRI- Amnesty International said on Tuesday in its annual report on the death penalty worldwide that in Iran at least 317 were executed in 2007.

According to the figures from Amnesty International's yearly statistics, at least 1,252 people were executed in 24 countries worldwide. More than a quarter of all known executions in the world were carried out by the regime in Iran.

Iran under the mullahs’ rule is one the three countries that carried out executions for crimes committed by people younger than 18 years of age, against international law.

According to the report, the youngest executed in the world was a 13-year-old by the mullahs’ regime in April.

In Iran at least one man was stoned to death, the human rights group said.

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