Iran regime arrests 30 boys and girls for attending mixed-gender party in northern city of Rasht


NCRI – A total of 30 young girls and boys were arrested at a party after a raid by security forces, according to Iranian News sorces.

A website called (asrekhabar) on Sunday 18 September reported that the clerical regime security forces during a raid on a party last Friday night in Rasht, northern Iran arrested 30 girls and boys.

Commenting on the recent spate of arrests, Shahin Gobadi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said:
“The clerical regime has never been so isolated at home and loathed by the Iranian people, in particular by the youth and women. As such, it is resorting to more and more repressive measures to confront this growing trend. This once again proves that the notion of moderation under Hassan Rouhani is a total myth. But it also indicates the vulnerable and shaky state of a regime that cannot even tolerate private festivities of the people, particularly the youth. It is becoming more evident that the mullahs are totally paranoid of any social gathering in fear of a popular uprising.”

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