Iran: “I do not want to be hanged, I love freedom” – A woman sentenced to death

NCRI – “I wish my life took a different course. I wish I could finish my pre-university studies. I wish I did not reach this state of mind. I have suffered a lot. I am a real victim and now the victim is going to her gallows to be hanged.” These are extracts from a letter of appeal by Kobra Rahmanpour a woman sentenced to death by mullahs’ judiciary. She is about 25 years of age.

She was arrested on November 5, 2000 and was sentenced to death by Branch 1608 of Tehran’s Criminal Court in January 2002 for killing her mother-in-law. In 2003 the sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court. She emphasized that she had acted in self-defense after her mother-in-law had tried to attack her with a kitchen knife. She was forced into marriage against her will by her parents, due to the poverty of her family, and was subjected to domestic violence during her marriage. She did not have access to a lawyer until the beginning of her trial.

She goes on in her letter: “In these days of fear and terror, I once again reach for your help. I thank all those media and individuals who supported me and said that I should not be hanged.” She ended her appeal by saying: “This is perhaps the last time I am appealing but please do whatever is necessary for the last time so that I would not be hanged and perhaps freed. I truly love freedom.”

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