Iran: Protests in Tehran against death sentence on a woman

NCRI – The following is a statement by the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on September 19, 2006:

This evening, hundreds of women demonstrated in front of the regime’s judiciary in protest to the execution sentence for Kobra Rahmanpour. Fearful of the demonstration, suppressive forces attacked the protesters and arrested 60 women. The detained were forced into minibuses belonging to the State Security Forces (SSF) and taken to the detention centers of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

Agents of SSF and Plain-Cloths agents prevented people from joining the women in Ark Square. Agents surrounded the metro station facing the square and undercover female security agents with walkie-talkies were brought to the scene. The SSF set up a temporary command headquarters in its barracks near the bazaar to crack down on the participants.

Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, Chair of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, praised the courageous protest by the women of Tehran and while condemning the crackdown on the restive women called on human rights and women’s rights organizations to take urgent action to secure the freedom of those arrested.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 19, 2006

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