IRAN: Prisoners hanged, more death sentences issued

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s henchman hanged a man on Saturday (February 16) morning in western city of Sanandaj in Iran. Omar Shahbazi, who was from city of Divandareh, was hanged in central prison in city of Sanandaj.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, Feb. 14, a prisoner was hanged in public in southern city of Shiraz.  The prisoner identified as Iman B., 29 was hanged publicly in Gaz Square of the city.

Another prisoner, Sabah Lavimi, 38, who was an Arab compatriot from Khuzistan Province, was hanged in Karoon Prison on Feb. 15, 2013.

On Monday February, 11, death decree was issued for four prisoners in Zahedan Central Prison. The names of the three of these prisoners are, Hossein Mobaraki, Ahmad Goorvand and Hossein Kahr-zahri.

The mullahs’ regime has transferred four other prisoners on death row from Falak-ol-Aflak Prison in Khoramabad Province to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. The four prisoners are accused of creating disorder in Falak o Aflak Prison. (Feb. 15, 2013)  

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