Iran: Prisoner survived execution is sentenced to life in prison

A prisoner in Iran who had survived execution last October has been sentenced to life in prison, state-run media reported on Wednesday.

The 37-year-old man named as Alireza M, father of two was hanged in Bojnourd prison on October 17, 2013 for drug related charges. His family went to collect his body the next day but he found him still breathing.

One family member then told state-run media: “We went to the coroner’s office collect his body to prepare for a memorial service. But we found him alive again, which made his two daughters very happy.”

People expected the prisoner who had been hanged on drug charges to be pardoned after surviving the execution, but mullahs’ judiciary said that the death verdict means taking someone’s life according to the law and since his life not was not taken on the prisoner has to be executed one more time.

The head of mullahs’ regime judiciary, Sadeq Larijani had said that according to the rules the death sentence of Alireza should be executed again, but due to the emotional issues involved the sentence is better to be reduced to life imprisonment.

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