Iran: Prisoner dies due to lack of medical attention

NCRI – According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in city of Karaj, 40 kilometers west of Tehran, on Sunday March 29, a prisoner named Gholam-Hussein Shahbazi had a heart attack and was left without medical attention for 30 minutes after which he died.

Shahbazi was taken to the prison yard at 7:30 am along with all the other prisoners in ward six. Prison guards locked the prison doors leaving prisoners in the yard.

At about 8 am, Shahbazi suffered a heart attack. The other prisoners pounded on the prison doors for about 30 minutes to inform the prison guards of Shahbazi's condition but the guards did not pay any attention and this prisoner died half an hour before he was taken to the prison medical clinic.

Gholam-Hussein Shahbazi was in his mid-40’s and had been imprisoned in Evin and Gohardasht Prison for about 14 years. He was imprisoned on financial charges.

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