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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIRAN: Prison guards raid ward 350 of Evin Prison

IRAN: Prison guards raid ward 350 of Evin Prison


A large group of repressive prison guards at Evin Prison raided the Ward 350 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison on Sunday few days prior to anniversary of last year’s brutal attack during which a number of political prisoners were severely wounded.

The raid against the Ward 350 that currently holds some 40 political prisoners were carried out under the pretext of conducting an inspection.

The number of prison guards involved in the inspection were much higher than the political prisoners and they were accompanied by prison officials.

Last April the Ward 350 of Evin prison was the target of a savage raid by the regime’s suppressive forces following their protest. In the savage raid of 17 April 2014 on Ward 350, henchmen battered and injured several prisoners.

International human rights organization including Amnesty International condemned the raid.

The beatings were particularly focused on a number of prisoners who have been charged with affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Political prisoner Gholamreza Khossravi was severely beaten and injured before being transferred to solitary confinement while he was wounded.

Later, on June 1, the clerical regime hanged Gholamreza Khosravi for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The clerical regime executed Gholamreza to avenge the prisoners of Ward 350 at Evin Prison and other prisoners who are resisting in the prisons of the Iranian dictatorship.
Gholamreza Khossravi, 49, had spent 12 years of his life in the mullahs’ regime dungeons under severe torture and harassment.

The Sunday raid in Evin followed by Monday’s violent attack in Gohardasht Prison against the section of the prison where political prisoners are being held.

The guards attacked Hall 12 in Section 4 of Gohardasht Prison and transferred Pastor Saeed Abedini, Mr. Khaled Hardani and Mr. Mostafa Eskandari to solitary confinement. The repressive agents mistreated and harassed Pastor Saeed Abedini.

Protesting against the repressive measures and transfer of political prisoners to solitary confinement Pastor Abedini and Mr. Hardani went on hunger strike.

The Iranian regime has intensified repressive measures in prisons to raise fear and intimidation in society and among the political prisoners to prevent any public expression of dissent against the regime following the clerical regime’s Supreme Leader retreating backwards in the nuclear talks by agreeing with a ‘framework’.