Iran: Pressure on Inmates in Kermanshah’s Dizel Abad by Severe Cold and Lack of Heating System


NCRI – The prison officials in Kermanshah’s Dizel Abad prison expose the inmates to severe cold and lack of heating system in order to put pressure on them. According to reports, the officials remove the prisoners out of their cells during the day hours and force them to go the prison yard in the cold weather while the prisoners don’t have any warm clothes. They have to stay outside in the severe cold of occasionally several degrees below zero from early morning until lunch and again after lunch until after dawn with no shelter or heating means particularly when it is snowing or raining.

Reports indicate that even elderly and sick prisoners and prisoners who are unable to walk are not allowed to stay in their wards and have to face the severe cold weather. Those inmates who protest this situation and the mistreatment are taken outside by the officials and prison guards and severely beaten to regret their action.

Moreover, the ailing prisoners have to stay in queue for several weeks to receive medical treatment in the prison clinic, a facility that lacks even basic medical equipment and needs. They have protested the infirmary’s condition several times but the prison officials told them “prison is not a hotel.”


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