Iran: Pressure and abuse on political prisoners related to PMOI members

NCRI – Political prisoners related to members of the People’s Mojahadin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are being abused at prisons in the regime, the latest reports have revealed.

Critically ill Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi, 67, whose son is a resident of Camp Liberty, was transferred to the Sina Hospital in Tehran in handcuffs and chained on October 6 for treatment for prostate problems but at the last moment the intelligence ministry interrogators prevented him from having surgery.

Political prisoner Dr Hani Yazarlou, imprisoned in ward 350 of Evin Prison, was refused treatment following two open heart surgeries after he was taken to hospital chained and in handcuffs on September 14.

Dr Yazarlou was sentenced to one year in prison and 15 years of banishment to Iranshahr in May 2012 on charges of propaganda against the Islamic Republic, provoking society to act against national security.

He has also been imprisoned five previous times, twice before the 1979 revolution.

A relative Dr Yazarlou said: “He had his last open heart surgery 10 years ago and had been under special care of a heart surgeon. When he was at home, he always had a blood pressure machine with him, but in prison wardens took it from him.”

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