Iran: Political Prisoners in Southeastern Province Support Gohardasht Prison Hunger Strikers


By NCRI Staff

NCRI – Political prisoners in Zahedan prison in a statement announced their solidarity with the political prisoners in Gohardasht prison who are on hunger strike and supported their legitimate demands.

The statement of political prisoners in Zahedan reads in part:

Once again, the crimes and the insult and neglect of the rights of the people whose only desire is to achieve their citizenship rights; unfortunately, under the banner of this regime, there is no right, nor the rights that one wants to defend it.

This time this cruel regime has put intense pressure on the political prisoners of Gohardasht Prison, where on 30 July 2017, on the pretext of the inspection, they brought all the prisoners out of their cells and gathered them in the prison hall, and took them under the worst inspection method disregarding their sanctity and dignity. They took away personal belongings of the prisoners and transferred them to a closed hall, which is practically similar to the torture chamber. Meanwhile, the political prisoners faced with beating and mayhem by the security guards in the worst possible way after they tried to defend their trampled rights and protested against this inhumane mistreatment.

For us, the political prisoners, who are facing the barbarism and brutal acts of this regime, the only way that remains is to protest against these inhumane acts and strike out to alert the people of Iran and the world regarding the cruelty and wanton behaviour of the regime and violation of our rights.

Therefore, we the political prisoners of the Zahedan central prison are protesting against these brutal acts of this regime. We condemn the regime’s unforgivable crimes and support the political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison, who are in the long-running hunger strike. We can only obtain our rights if an organization stays behind the oppressed political prisoners.

We, the political prisoners, will calm down when the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran goes to all prisons of the country to see us closely and to know how we are suffering and struggling to get our rights.

Name of political prisoners who are protesting against the Iranian regime’s unforgivable crimes:

Moulavi Nour-al-din Kashani; Moulavi Abdorahim Kouhi; Moulavi Amanollah Baluch Zehi; Hamzeh Rigi; Shir Ahmad Hossein Zehi; Meysam Chandani; Hassan Dehvari; Eliyas Ghalandar Zehi; Aboubakr Rostami; Abdolvahid Houd; Zobeir Houd; Abdossamad Houd; Ataollah Houd; Abdolhamid Kia Zehi; Sattar Baluch; … Shahou Zehi; Javid Dehghan; Mohmoud Kalakli; Omid Imani; Alireza Bampouri; Abdolkhalegh Jafadar; Hamed Bampouri; Eshagh (Isac) Kalakli; Abdolbasit Davani; Sofi Chakeri; Abdolhamid Rigi; Zabihollah Rigi; Rahim Shahbakhsh; Dor Mohammad Shahbakhsh; Hayatollah Nouti Zehi.

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