Iran: Political prisoners face critical condition

Political prisoner, Afshin Baimani, had a heart stroke on Saturday, December 7, and was immediately transferred to the clinic.

Due to the absence of a doctor and the unhygienic condition of the clinic, he requested to be returned back to his cell.

Afshin Baimani has been in prison for more than 13 years. He was arrested in the city of Karaj on September 5, 2000, allegedly for helping his brother a supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) escape from being arrested by the regime. He was then sentenced to death.

Political Prisoners on hunger striker in Qezel hesar Prison are facing serious condition due to their hunger strike, which began 30 days ago.

The prison officials kept the 6 prisoners on hunger strike in the cold weather for 3 hours to break up their resistance.

Another political prisoner, who is suffering from serious physical condition, is prohibited to meet with his lawyer.

Hossein Ronaghai Maleki has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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