Iran: Political prisoners ask P5+1 to tackle Iranian regime over human rights abuse

NCRI – Political prisoners from Zahedan prison have urged the United Nations Security Council’s P5+1 group to tackle Iranian regime over the ‘disastrous’ abuse of their human rights during their next meeting with the regime.

The P5+1 group – the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany – are set to meet with Iranian regime on February 26 to discuss nuclear issues.

But in a statement to the UN,  Zahedan prisoners wrote: “We the political prisoners of Zahedan’s central prisons are living under disastrous and inhuman conditions and have been sentenced to long term prison sentences on unjust accusations. We have been deprived of all our civilian rights.

“We ask that human rights and our freedom be an integral part of your meeting.

“Respect for human rights is one of the charters of the United Nations. We ask that human rights and individual rights violations in Iran be stopped. Please convey our request to the rest of the world.”

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