Iran: Political Prisoner Stages Hunger Strike After Sewing His Lips


NCRI – A political prisoner has staged a hunger strike in a prison in Iran after sewing his lips to protest the inhuman condition of prisons, officials preventing medical treatment for ailing prisoners and lack of safety and security for political prisoners.

Political prisoner, Saeed Shirzad, has announced that beating political prisoner Mehdi Farahi Shandiz by the guards and prison officials is an instance of lack of security in the prison and among the issues he is protesting against.

He points out several instances of harassment and beating of the prisoners by the prison officials and violation of prisoners’ rights including, “continuous insult to the prisoners’ families by the prison officials, authorities rejecting official letters of hunger strike and disclaiming medical responsibility of the strike, arresting political prisoners’ family members in the meeting hall, preventing dispatch of ailing prisoners to hospitals or medical centers outside prison for medical treatment, beating political prisoners and forcibly transferring them to the courts by the prison agents and finally preventing air circulation in the prison halls and cells by welding metal mesh and perforated metal plates to the windows and doors that puts prisoners’ health at risk and endangers their life.”

It should be mentioned that the political prisoner Saeed Shirzad, 27, was arrested on Sunday June 8, 2014 and held in Evin Prison’s ward 209 cells for two months without any communication with family and lawyer.

He was then tried in the regime’s so-called courts 15 months after his arrest on Saturday September 12, 2015 and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on the charges of “assembly and collusion against security of the system (regime).”

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