Iran political prisoner on Day 11 of hunger strike

Abbas Lesani

NCRI – An Iranian political prisoner is on Day 11 of a hunger strike in a prison in Ardebil, north-west Iran.

Abbas Lesani is serving a prison sentence on the trumped up charge of “propaganda against the system (regime)” for taking part in an anti-regime protest over the drying up of Iran’s largest salt lake, Lake Orumieh, north-western Iran.

Mr. Lesani, who has been on hunger strike for the past 11 days, has been denied the right to meet with or contact his family.

Lake Orumieh (Lake Urmia), long counted among the world’s largest saltwater lakes — almost 90 miles in length and stretching 34 miles at its widest point —today contains only 5% of the amount of water it did just 20 years ago.

In the last two decades, experts say, a toxic combination of the regime’s wasteful irrigation practices, the damming of feeder rivers, prolonged drought and a warming climate has accelerated the decline of the storied lake, noted in the historical accounts of various civilizations dating back millenniums.

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