Iran: Plans for 11 forced labor camps for prisoners

NCRI – The chief of the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF), Brig. Gen. Esmaeil Ahmadi Moghaddam, announced on Monday, April 13, 2009, that the clerical regime is planning to set up 11 forced labor camps in a bid to punish imprisoned drug addicts, according to the state-run news agency, Mehr.

Ahmadi Moghaddam said that the regime’s "penal code has been ineffective with respect to petty drug dealers," which is why the mullahs’ "Judiciary and the Prisons Organization have put the establishment of forced labor camps on their agendas."

“These individuals will not be trained in any way at these camps. Rather, they will be punished by being subjected to hard and intensive labor,” the mullahs’ SSF chief added at a news conference.

“Despite the agreements and coordination efforts, the plan has not been implanted yet, but we hope that it will be carried out this year,” he said.

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