Iran: Pasargadae Demonstrator Killed Under Torture


NCRI – According to reports, the dead body of Mostafa Nabi, arrested two weeks ago during the Pasargadae demonstration and killed afterwards while being tortured by the Mullahs’ notorious intelligence executioners, was buried in Shiraz.

It should be noted that despite the tight security measures, thousands of people from across Iran gathered in Pasargadae on 28 October and praised Cyrus as the pride of every Iranian and the father and founder of human rights. The demonstrators chanted: “freedom of thought, not possible with beard”, “Iran is our country, Cyrus is our father”, “Mullahs’ regime, only oppression, only war”, “Iran plundered by merciless commanders” and “forget about Syria, think about us.”

Following the big public demonstration on 28 October in Pasargadae, the security forces brutally attacked the protesters and arrested hundreds of the them, many of whom are still being kept at Shiraz intelligence’s detention center.

The intelligence agents as well as the head of regime’s judiciary are seeking to file lawsuits against the detainees so as to put them behind bars.

According to another report, Homayoun Panahi, a philosophy researcher and poem from Arak who had participated in the Pasargadae demonstration on October 28, has also been arrested and is currently being held at Shiraz intelligence’s detention center.

It’s worth mentioning that following the October 28 demonstration, Nouri Hamedani, one of regime’s Mullahs, criticized in a threatening tone the gathering held on Cyrus Day in Pasargadae Cultural Heritage area, saying “despite being alive, we once again just sat and watched” and calling the participants “counter-revolutionary.”

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