Iran: Part time teachers gathered outside Majlis

teachers_protests_iran150NCRI – More than 250 part time teachers gathered outside mullahs' Majlis (parliament) protesting to their hiring conditions at the Ministry of Education on Sunday.   Most of the protesters had come from the western province of Lorestan.

"The Ministry would pay us less than 150,000 Tomans ($15) a month if we worked full time, " said an angry teacher participating in the gathering.

The problem of teachers' pay surfaces at the beginning of every school year. However, the officials in mullahs' Ministry of Education pay no attention to the teachers' problems and would suppress them instead.

In February 2007, the streets ending to the Majlis were the scene of protests by more than 15,000 teachers demanding their full pay rise in accordance with the sky rocketing cost of living for the fix income families. With teachers very low pay grades, they are hardly able to cope with the cost of living.   

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