Iran: Over 40 prisoners executed in three weeks, new height in executions this summer

NCRI – At least four more people were hanged in Iran last week, including a 22-year-old who was under 17 at the time of arrest.

Three prisoners were executed on Tuesday August 13, in the central prison in the city of Bandar Abbas, southern Iran. The public relations office of the regime’s judiciary declared on Friday August 15.

Another young man who was 18 years old when had been arrested on drug related charges was hanged on Wednesday, August 14, in a Prison in city of Birjand, north-eastern Iran. 

The recent executions brings the total of the announced executions during the past three weeks to at least 40 executions.

The number of executions has been on the rise since Hassan Rouhani assumed office as the president of the Iranian regime August 2013.

New wave of executionstake place at a time when, hundreds have been subjected to degrading and inhumane punishments such as flogging in public and being paraded in streets. Some very brutally before being hanged.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, recently called for the Iranian regime’s human rights record to be referred to the United Nations Security Council and for international action to be taken to hold the regime leaders accountable for unjustified executions and other acts of political repression.

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