Iran: One thousand workers gathered outside Ahmadinejad’s office

Kiyan-Tire workers protesting in the factory last summerNCRI – More than 1,000 angry workers of Kiyan-Tire Factory gathered on Monday outside Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's office in Tehran demanding their unpaid salaries for past seven months. 

 The protesters shouted anti-government slogans such as: "Workers are ready to rise. This is your last chance."

Since early morning hours the workers surrounded the office carrying banners reading, "Is there anyone to help us?" "We can not feed our children."

Nearly 7,000 families of the striking workers are in economic disaster with winter just around the corner in Iran. 

Nearly 1,200 workers walked out on April 12 for the first time when the hand picked management called in the SSF to crush their demonstration. A number of the workers were arrested in that incident.
The mullahs' inhuman regime, fearing the spread of the move, rushed hundreds of the SSF agents to the scene to suppress the strikers. However, the local residents and youths clashed with the SSF units in support of the striking workers. They threw stones and sticks at the security forces.
It has been one of the longest strikes by the workers in the country. Kiyan-Tire is only second to that of the Sugar Cane factory workers in the southwestern city of Shoosh in which more than 5,000 workers are still on strike over their unpaid salaries since last year.

In August alone nearly 140 workshops and factories went on strike over payments. Factories such as Haft-Tapeh sugar cane mills, Kiyan-Tire making car tires, Iran Khodro car manufacturer are some of the biggest with tens of thousands of workers.

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