Iran: New measures to suppress people in Sanandaj

NCRI – The State Security Forces – mullahs' suppressive police – has adopted new measures to crackdown residents in the western city of Sanandaj.

Since Wednesday, it is using Ramadan as a pretext to enforce a new phase of so-called "boosting public security plan." 

In an unprecedented move even by the SSF standards, Special Units belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are deployed on street corners and other busy intersections making a visible presence to intimidate the public.

In the first day, the SSF agents concentrated on what is called combating "mal-veiling" by stopping women shoppers in the streets and shopping centers. Female residents of Kurdish city of Sanandaj traditionally observe Ramadan with all due respect by paying additional attention to what they wear in public. Families advise their youngsters to be extra cautious in observing the customs and traditions of the holy month.

Presence of SSF and IRGC in the streets has forced residents to stay home despite the usual mode of the holy month for spending more time in mosques. 

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