Iran: New chastity patrols in the streets of Tehran

NCRI – At the same time with the opening of moppet show on the grounds of Tehran's International Exhibitions Hall, the State Security Forces – mullahs' suppressive police – has added to its chastity patrols to control what it called "immoral behavior."

The patrols would stop women on their way to watch the show to check what they wear to the event.

The Iranian women are all too familiar with the mullahs' suppressive measures. However, the members of the SSF teams would also stop foreigners who are not at all used to such insulting behavior by the police in their countries.

To make sure that foreigners do not miss out anything, the SSF has brought in English speaking agents to do the job.

"It has created a bizarre situation," said one eyewitness.

"Ahmadinejad government is making every effort to embarrass the Iranian people. We have gotten used to such degrading and suppressive measures over the years and are fighting them in our own ways. But the poor few women from other countries living in Iran have no way other than staying home," a woman said. 

Since April 2007, the mullahs' regime has introduced a new suppressive plan nationwide called "boosting public security" with the aim of crushing all resistance by especially women and youths.       

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