Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 51


Iran Protest-No. 111

Students’ demonstrations and marketers’ strike

University and high school students and marketers in various cities held demonstrations and sit-ins on Saturday, November 5, the 51st day of the uprising. In Tehran, students of the University of Tehran, University of Science and Technology, Amir Kabir University, Azad University of North Tehran, Faculties of Materials Engineering, Mechanics and Architecture of Sharif University, Faculty of Chemistry of Azad University, Department of Research Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, North Campus and Allameh University staged sit-in protests and strike.

In other cities, art and architecture faculty students of Gilan University, Kharazmi University-Karaj Branch, Mashhad Azad University, Yazd University, Kermanshah Medical School, Isfahan Art School, and Sanandaj University also staged sit-in protests and strike. The students were chanting, “This year is the year of sacrifice; Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” “Death to Khamenei, damned be Khomeini,” “So long as the mullahs are not buried, this country will not as it should be,” “Students die, but they do not accept humiliation,” “Imprisoned students should be freed,” “Freedom, freedom, freedom,” “If you suspend students, we shall close the university,” “Our disgraced leader!”, “Aban (November) is the shining month; the regime is reaching its end,” “We didn’t sacrifice lives to compromise and praise a slayer (supreme) leader,” “Bullets, tanks, machine guns are no longer effective,” “We don’t want a corrupt regime, we don’t want a murderous regime.”

The body known as “Harasat” and plainclothes agents attacked students of Amir Kabir. At Allameh University, students were threatened to be put under security pressure, and deprived of education. Hossein Izadyar, head of security at Tehran University, threatened the students that if they did not end their protest, he would open the university gate for military forces to take students and their ID cards. The president of Sanandaj Azad University told the students that a special unit with motorized equipment had been deployed near the university, and if the students did not finish the gathering, he would ask them to enter the university.

The ceremony of the third day of martyrdom of Momen Zand Karimi, an 18-year-old young man, and taekwondo champion, was held today in Sanandaj with the slogans “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to Basiji,” “we die, but we will take back Iran.” Youths in Sanandaj protested by lighting fire in the Ghafoor neighborhood. Students in Hasanabad, Sanandaj, protested after leaving the school, chanting, “Death to the dictator” and breaking the windows of a Basij base. In Mashhad, students protested, chanting, “This year is the year of sacrifice; Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown.” Shopkeepers went on strike in the Hesarak district in Karaj. Tajrish marketers and Saqez marketers went on strike.

On November 2, the state-run newspaper Entekhab wrote that Ali Mostafavi, the Chief Justice of Sistan and Baluchistan, said that 620 people had been arrested in the riots in the province, and a dossier had been filed for 252 of them. Hossein Rajabi, the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Qazvin Province, was quoted by the state-run Mehr news agency today as saying, “In the coming days, the cases of 26 leaders and 81 rioters will be reviewed publicly. 15 to 18-year-old teenagers are among them. 90% of the arrested people are high school graduates.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 5, 2022


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