Iran: Mullahs regime tortures and murders national athletes

A young man arrested by the mullahs' police NCRI – Behrouz Talori, a three times bodybuilder national champion, was gun down by the State Security Forces – mullahs' suppressive police – in the western province of Lorestan on November 11, according to the Resistance sources in Iran. He was driving in a Peugeot passenger car model 405 on Kohdasht-Khorramabad highway.

Last year a similar incident occurred when Mojtab Asayeshi, a boxing national champion, died mysteriously in Khorramabad's prison. A rumor was spread by the regime that he had taken a poisonous can of tuna fish. It was widely believed by the local residents that he was murdered by the mullahs' agents in jail.
On October 31, another athlete, Habib Bagherian was transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for his execution in the Dastgerd prison, central Iran.  His death sentence was recently upheld by the mullahs' judiciary chief Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi. Bagherian spent three years imprison prior to his death sentence.

Bagherian was arrested for his resistance to Bassij Paramilitary Force's suppressive measures against his neighbors where he lived, according to his family.
He has been under brutal torture by the head of Intelligence Office, Banai and his deputy Ghorgi in the prison. Bagherian has received severe blows to his head resulting in serious injures. For such inhuman treatment, he has been suffering from excruciating pain and cries for help at nights, the family said.
Since the early days, the Iranian regime has executed a number of well-known national champions such as Habib Khabiri, captain of the Iranian national soccer team.

The Athletic Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran condemns the suppression of Iranian athletes and national champions and calls on all international human rights organizations in particular the International Olympic Committee to adopt urgent measures to stop the ruling clerics from committing such heinous crimes against the Iranian athletes.

The Athletic Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 19, 2008

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