Iran: Mullahs generate 300 young addicts per day

drug_addiction_iran150NCRI – In a shocking statistics published by the state-run Borna website, 300 new teenage drug addicts join the already 3 million others in the country.

"The addiction age has dropped down to 13 from 17 according to official statistics," Borna reported.

"Out of the 3ml entrapped by various drugs easily obtained in the market, one million are under 19," Borna wrote.

Thirteen percent of all addicts have serious mental disorder while 30 percent suffer from some kind of mental illness.

The pattern of use is 69 percent opium, 26 heroin and five percent hashish.

However, LSD and crack have become enormously popular due in part to its almost immediate high and the fact that it is inexpensive to produce.  

"Most of Iranian addicts are between the ages of 18 to 30," Borna added.

The drug usage per capita is two grams per day. Each month in Iran 100 addicts die of overdose.

The figures are obtained from official sources, but the actual number of drug addicts in the country by far exceeds the published statistics by Borna.

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