Iran: More than 1,500 people protest in Tehran’s Farahzad district

NCRI – More than 1,500 local residents protested to the inhuman treatment of peddlers working in Farahzad district of Tehran.

NCRI – More than 1,500 local residents protested to the inhuman treatment of peddlers working in Farahzad district of Tehran.

The State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police — attacked a group of peddlers in the area wounding and arresting a number of them. In a coordinated effort by the plain-cloths security agents, municipal workers and regular SSF units, a raid was conducted on the poor peddlers working in the district. The SSF destroyed what little merchandise they had and beat up many them.

The local residents and shop owners protested to such a cruel treatment of the peddlers in the hands of the suppressive SSF agents. A large crowd defending the peddlers clashed with the SSF. They were struggling to salvage some of their goods scattered around. 

This is not the first time that ruling clerics attack peddlers. Often such small business ventures are set up by people who have had decent jobs not long before but lost them because of the mullahs' economic polices. With new suppressive labor laws in effect, according to mullahs' Labor Minster, last month alone 250,000 workers lost their jobs. Peddlers are essentially former workers of industrial units laid off. 

With inflation rates sky rocketing, many Iranians are living under the poverty line by the regime own accounts.

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