Iran: More limb amputations on the way

NCRI – The mullahs' judiciary ordered two men's hands cut off in return for their car theft changes, reported the state-run daily Etemaad on Sunday.

Two prisoners identified as Sohail.M and Nader.KH were charged with nine counts of car thefts. 

According to the mullahs' penal code numbers 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 and 667 four fingers of their right hands will be chopped off. However, it is clear in the codes that the palm of victim's hand should remain intact.

Since the victims have not filed for appeal, it is likely that the sentences will be carried out any time soon.

This is not the first time that the mullahs’ criminal judiciary has issued such savage and inhuman verdicts. In the past, many victims have been condemned to eye gouging, stoning to death and limb amputation.

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