Iran: Judiciary Dismisses Appeal of Six Kurdish Political Prisoners


NCRI – The judiciary of Urmia, northwestern Iran, dismissed an appeal filed by the lawyer of six political prisoners detained in Miyandoab Prison.

Iran’s Supreme Court upheld the Miyandoab criminal court ruling, after evaluating the case for six months without holding a single hearing or summoning witnesses.

The families of these six political prisoners had met with the Urmia judiciary officials in their request for an appeal, all to no avail.

Kamal Ahmadnejad and five others from a village near the city of Miyandoab, by the names of Helmat Abdulahi, Suleiman Kari, Milad Abdi, Saeed Siahi and Mostafa Tahazadeh, were arrested on charges of murdering a Basij member and held for six months in Urmia intelligence solitary confinement, where they were placed under interrogation and torture.

A 400-page case was prepared against these political prisoners by the Ministry of Intelligence, while the lawyer and families of these prisoners had prepared evidence proving their complete innocence.

It is worth noting these prisoners denied all charges raised against them and said their confessions were obtained under intense torture.

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