Iran: Inmates sleep on floors and share beds as prison overcrowding soars



NCRI – Inmates are being forced to sleep on corridors floors and staircases due to massive overcrowding in Iran’s prisons, the deputy chief of the regime’s judicial community and crime prevention has admitted.

Bagher Zolghadr told the Aftab and Fararou websites: “The inmates sleep on the floor or in corridors or landing staircases and two or three prisoners sleep in one bed, in


He also confessed crime was increasing, adding: “Based on general criteria, the crime rate is on the rise and the number of judiciary cases in recent years indicates an increase in the crime rate in the country.”

Crime prevention, statistics related to prisoners in Iran and their quality of life was ‘troubling’, he said.

His comments come after one prisoner wrote: “They placed 15 people in a police van while none of the charges against any of them had been proved. On the same night, they brought a person who had been beaten with a baton so severely such that his body had turned black. He was wearing only underwear.”

Increasing arrests by various patrols under various pretexts, followed by public, mass collective executions are carried out in the regime to impose an atmosphere of fear and control over society, with Iran ranked 8th in the world for numbers of prisoners.

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