Iran: Inhumane regime rendered atrocity in sports arena


The criminal mullahs ruling Iran, who consider the Iranian people as their slaves, have filled this country with their reactionary ideas and viewpoints during their horrific 37-year rule and forced this nation back decades as a result. This regime is now insulting and disrespecting sports fans in stadiums to thus cement a climate of fear amongst the youths and prevent them from rising to resist their rule.

The regime’s repressive forces have transferred 26 locals of Tabriz (northwest Iran) to prison. These individuals were arrested on November 20, 2015 during a local football (soccer) match after protesting a state television show that flagrantly insulted and disrespected Iran’s Turkish (Azeri) community. The regime has recently held kangaroo courts in Tabriz in hearings chaired by the criminal judge Mohammad Ali Piri, condemning the 26 to lashing, fines and prison terms.

The lashing sentences for these individuals were issued soon after a similar ruling for 35 college students in Qazvin (northwest Iran) which sparked widespread international condemnation and led to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights strongly denouncing the measures.

Fellow Iranian countrymen,

The economic situation and growing poverty for the people is further endangering the lives of the vast majority of our nation with each passing day. Senior regime officials are continuously plundering our nation’s wealth in the billions. Illegal measures and disrespect for the people’s lives and property by operatives of the mullahs’ regime is on a rampage, and the society has become a bursting powder keg. Through lashings, torture and executions the mullahs’ regime in Iran is seeking to saber-rattle its domestic power and force the Iranian people into complete silence. It is our human and national duty to join force and place these criminals into the dustbin of history with our own hands.

The international community and United Nations must condemn stronger than ever before this vicious and hopeless regime for its crimes against the Iranian people and defend the individual and collective rights and liberties of the Iranian people.

Moslem Eskandar Filabi
Chairman of the Sports Commission
National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 3, 2016


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