Iran: Hundreds of Tehran’s citizens were arrested in a new police sweep on Sunday

NCRI – Brig. Gen. Hossein Sajedinia, deputy chief of the State Security Forces (SSF) in greater Tehran – mullahs' suppressive police – announced that 310 individuals were arrested in a "new sweep by the police as part of the plan to boost public security" which is already in progress throughout the country, reported the state-run news agency Mehr on Sunday. 

"They will be handed over to Tehran's chief prosecutor [Saeed Mortazavi] who will give them harsh sentences," Sajedinia added.

The so-called "boosting public security plan" was first introduced in April 2007 to combat popular uprisings. Mass street arrests of hundreds of thousands of women and youth under the pretext of "mal-veiling" and cracking down on "thugs and hooligans" followed. In the same period, more than 300 prisoners were sent to gallows.

Deputy Commander of SSF, Brig. Gen. Hossein Zolfaqari announced, "Since the beginning of the public security plan, 977,000 individuals in Tehran have received street warnings and 4,209 of them were arrested… Some of them were detained in the SSF facilities and some other were sent for judicial review," the state-run news agency ISNA reported on August 2, 2007. In the same period, the mullahs' regime arrested 43,300 drug addicts.

Under the pretext of protecting the public from what Tehran's infamous prosecutor, Mortazavi, called "thugs" on Sunday, thousands of Iranians have been subjected to various tapes of harassments by the state security forces.

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