Iran – Human Rights: Regime Executes Juvenile Offender

Iran - Human Rights: Regime Executes Juvenile Offender

Iran’s regime has executed a juvenile offender for a crime he allegedly committed when he was just 16.

The authorities in the central prison of Karaj executed 21-year-old Saeed Mohammadi on Friday, October 25. He was accused of murder.  

The regime’s medieval constitution permits the execution of minors, stating that boys who reach 15 lunar years and girls who reach nine lunar years are mature and should be punished for their deeds.



Javaid Rehman, the United Nations special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, told the U.N. General Assembly’s human rights committee on October 23 that the Iranian regime executed seven child offenders last year and two so far this year. 

He said there was “credible information” that there are at least 90 child offenders currently on death row in Iran. 

Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) published a report, on October 10, stating: “At least 10 people have been executed in Iran in 2019 for offences allegedly committed when they were children.” 

Amnesty International said in a statement on April 29, 2019, “The Iranian authorities have once again proved that they are sickeningly prepared to put children to death, in flagrant disregard of international law.”  

The Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) inter-group hosted a conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 24, 2019, condemning the Iranian regime’s human rights abuses and export of terror.  

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, was the event’s keynote speaker.   

While demanding justice for the victims of Iran’s 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, Mrs. Rajavi said, “The dossier on human rights violations in Iran, particularly the 1988 massacre, must be referred to the UN Security Council.” 

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