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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran Human Rights: Evin political prisoners threatened with being sent into exile

Iran Human Rights: Evin political prisoners threatened with being sent into exile

NCRI – Political prisoners in Iran’s notorious Evin prison who were savagely attacked by guards last month are now being threatened with being sent into exile in a remote detention center by the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (MOIS).

They have also warned prisoners that if they or their families try to inform the news media about their plight, they will be subjected to more abuse and harassment.

Meanwhile, political prisoner Behnam Ebrahimzadeh – a labor and children rights activist who was transferred to solitary confinement in section 420 of Evin after the attack – was denied a visit by his family on the morning of Monday May 12.

He has already completed a 15-day hunger strike in protest at the abuse inflicted on prisoners of conscience in Evin.

On April 17, A large number of the clerical regime’s suppressive forces raided the ward 350 of notorious Evin Prison, savagely beating up and insulting the prisoners. The excuse for the raid was inspecting the ward.

Ward 350 is the ward of political prisoners in Evin Prison, including those who are imprisoned on the charges of affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Amnesty International condemned the raid in a call for Urgent Action on April 17.

The assailants were particularly focused on prisoners charged with being affiliated to the PMOI/MEK, severely beating a wounding a number of them.