Iran HRM Monthly Report: Mullahs’ Regime Has Increased Rights Violations on the Eve of Iran Protests Anniversary


“October saw the State Security Force’s violent approach towards Iranian citizens, even torturing them in public,” wrote Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) in its monthly report of October on the ongoing human rights abuses in Iran.

On the eve of the anniversary of the nationwide Iran protests in November 2019, which rattled the regime’s foundations, the regime has increased its oppressive measures to quell the restive society. “This comes in tandem with the clerical regime’s expansion of its repressive plans to contain increasing social discontent, particularly on the eve of the anniversary of the protests in November 2019,” wrote Iran HRM in this regard.

Videos of Mehrdad Sepehri, a young man in Mashhad in northeast Iran, being pepper-sprayed to death shocked the world.

“On October 18, SSF forces tied a young man, Mehrdad Sepehri, to a pole in a street in Hojjat Township in Mashhad. They tortured him right there in the street using stun guns and pepper spray, which led to his death,” wrote Iran HRM in this regard.

“The vicious murder was revealed by a video clip posted on social media on October 24, provoking a wave of outrage among the public in Iran and abroad. The young man who had lost his consciousness due to torture and use of pepper gas, died in the SSF car. His body bore vivid scars of beating and torture,” the Iran HRM report added.

Mohsen MinBashi

But Mehrdad Sepehri was not the only case of a person being publicly tortured. “Another video clip posted on social media on October 25 showed several SSF officers dragging and beating a citizen on the ground in one of the streets of Esfarayen, in North Khorasan Province. A voice is heard in the video repeating twice that the police had shot the man. The 37-year-old man identified as Mohsen Minbashi has reportedly died due to gun shot and beatings by SFF agents,” Iran HRM wrote in this regard.

Iran HRM’s report once again highlights that crimes against humanity in Iran are organized and approved and ordered by the regime’s highest authorities.

“The mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei also praised the State Security Force and Police for their ‘ceaseless endeavors,’ calling them ‘toiling servants.’ He reiterated, ‘people welcome the SSF’s initiatives in dealing with vice.’ Khamenei thus openly gave a green light to the State Security Force and Police to continue their crimes against Iranian citizens,” read the Iran HRM report in this regard.

Another aspect of the regime’s human rights violations are executions. Iran under the mullahs’ regime holds the world record of executions per capita. According to Iran HRM, “at least 19 people were executed in October.”

The misogynous regime ruling Iran is the record holder of execution of women in the world. Under the regime’s current president, Hassan Rouhani, over 100 women have been executed.

“The clerical regime’s Judiciary also carried out the execution of a desperate woman at dawn on Sunday, October 11, 2020, in the Central Prison of Mashhad,” wrote Iran HRM, referring to the latest case of women’s execution.

The Iranian regime has been continuing its use of torture to intimidate the public. The regime has also carried out inhumane sentences of flogging and hand amputation. “A man identified as Arash Ali Akbari, accused of stealing was ordered to have four fingers on his right hand severed,” wrote Iran HRM in this regard.

The full report by Iran HRM can be found here.

The Iran HRM report, along with the ongoing human rights abuses inside Iran, once again highlights the Iranian Resistance’s calls on the international community to hold the mullahs’ regime to account. To do so, the United Nations should send a fact-finding mission to Iran to investigate the Iranian regime’s crimes against humanity.

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