Iran: Head of Judiciary Orders Quick Sunni Prisoners’ Execution

NCRI – Iranian regime’s head of judiciary has ordered that Sunni prisoners convicted of drug trafficking to be executed as soon as possible so that they won’t be subject to the new legislation approved by regime’s Parliament.

According to reports, a senior judiciary official has revealed a secret decree given by the head of regime’s judiciary ‘Sadegh Amoli Larijani’ to courts to quickly go ahead with the execution of Sunni prisoners convicted of drug trafficking.

The decree is aimed at preventing the Sunni prisoners from being subject to Parliament’s new legislation, thus replacing their death sentences with other punishments. At least 50 Sunni prisoners are subject to head of judiciary’s secret decree.

The convicts are mostly held in Birjand, Mashhad, Zahedan, Shiraz, Kerman and Urmia prisons, for whom the death penalty will be applied.

At least 32 Sunni prisoners have been sent to the gallows in Shiraz, Birjand, Chabahar and Kerman prisons over the past few days, due to this secret command.

On November 23, 2016, Regime’s parliament passed an emergency motion to add an article to the law on fighting drugs, according to which the number of capital cases for drug-related charges would be reduced. This motion by itself acknowledges that death penalty has had no effect on reducing drug use.

Fearing social protests and international pressures particularly those applied by the United Nations and its Human Rights Council, the motion to add an article to the law on fighting drugs was passed while being approved by all regime’s entities.


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