Iran: Four to be hanged tomorrow

NCRI – Fars Province judiciary announced that four men are going to be hanged tomorrow in Shiraz, provincial capital of Fars, southern Iran, state-run news agency ISNA reported today.

The men were identified as Mohammad Q., Alireza B., Gazav M. and Abdulrasoul Q. The revolutionary court in Shiraz sentenced them to death for causing public disorder. Their sentences are going to be carried out in public at a major entry point to the city at 9:00 am tomorrow.

Deputy head of Fars judiciary also announced that since the beginning of current Iranian year [starting on March 21] between one to two people have been hanged every week for causing public disorder. One can assume that some 40 people have so far been executed in this province alone in the first half of the Iranian year. This is an official admission to the high number of executions across Iran.

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