Iran: Four prisoners die for not receiving proper medical treatment

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NCRI- In the past few days, at least four prisoners lost their lives for not receiving proper medical attention at Dasgerd Prison in central city of Isfahan.
On Friday, the 35-year-old Ahmad Masali, after suffering from two days of severe pains died in the prison.  His requests for transfer to the prison’s clinic had been denied by the prison warden.

In a separate case, Morad Borak, 48, held in ward four of the prison since March, lost his life since he was on a two week hunger strike protesting to his torturing by the prison guards.

Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF) –mullahs’ suppressive police– had tortured him to obtain confessions for involvement in drug trafficking.
Under the mullahs’ rule in Iran, prisoners are in deplorable conditions.  Not only they are striped of their rights based on the international standards but also they are denied of adequate medical treatment which leads to loss of their lives while in detention.  

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