Iran: Formation of yet another new suppressive force

NCRI – Morteza Tala’i, commander of the Security Forces of the Greater Tehran, said that the District Police was composed of 7,000 men thus far, yet before the end of the year, its numbers would reach 10,000 to reinforce security in towns.

The official news agency Mehr, which reported his remarks on October 6, also announced that each district was to have its own police station.

Since the start of the year, eight police forces have been set up by the mullahs’ regime to suppress the population: the District Police, the Youth Police, the Dormitory Police, the Undercover Police, the Mountain Police, the Mehr police, and the School Police.

The purpose of these forces is to combat the volatile state of the country. According to polls, more than 95 percent of the Iranians despise the mullahs and want a regime change. 

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