Iran: Five prisoners hanged in Zahedan and Isfahan

Hanging noose


NCRI – Five prisoners were hanged in Isfahan and Zahedan, state-run media reports said on Monday.

The mullahs' regime hanged four prisoners without indentifying them in the southeastern city of Zahedan, reported the official news agency IRNA.

The other prisoner identified as Mostafa M., 34, was hanged in prison on Sunday in the central city of Isfahan.

In the past week alone the Iranian regime has executed 21 prisoners in various parts of the country.

On December 19, 2008, the UN General Assembly condemned the widespread human rights violations in Iran.
It was the 55th such resolutions passed by the UN bodies on human rights violations in Iran.
The resolution refers to the UN Secretary General's report on “widespread human rights violations and deep shortcomings and obstacles in the way of safeguarding human rights”. It expresses “deep concern over serious human rights violations” in Iran, such as "torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment such as flogging and amputations” … “continuing large numbers of executions including public executions and execution of minors” … “the existence of prisoners awaiting to be stoned to death” … “arrests of and violent crackdowns on women” … “making threats to terrorize women working for human rights and continuation of discrimination against women and girls in law and practice” … “increasing discrimination and other human rights violations against religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities” … “ongoing and serious restrictions of freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association, and the increasing harassment, intimidation and persecution of political opponents and human rights defenders from all sectors of society."


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