Iran: Five men sentenced to death in Tehran

NCRI – The clerical regime’s judiciary sentenced five men to death in Tehran.

According to state-run daily Javan and Fars news agency, the five men were identified by their first names as Kheirollah, Gholam, Ebrahim, Mohammad Reza and Vali.

Human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated since Ahmadinejad’s appointment as mullahs’ president last summer. The number of executions has reach 200 during his presidency.

In recent wave of executions grave concern have been expressed by international human rights bodies over the plight of political prisoners in Iran. On February 7, Hojjat Zamani, a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran was secretly executed in Gohardasht prison. His family was only informed of his execution after two weeks. In protest to his execution other inmates have gone on hunger strike which still continues.

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