Iran: Father Arrested for Complaining Against His Young Kid’s Murderers


NCRI – A 45-year-old man in Sistan and Baluchestan province has been jailed due to filing a complaint against the Revolutionary Guard’s security agents who killed his 6-year-old kid.

Enayatollah Naghibi, from a villages around Saravan in Sistan and Baluchestan province whose 6-year-old kid was killed during the Guards’ direct shooting at his car, was arrested and jailed after filing a complaint against the Revolutionary Guard’s agents.

Along with his kid, Naghibi was driving his car about ten months ago when his car broke down near a checkpoint. After inspecting his car, the Revolutionary Guard’s agents allowed him to pass at first, but after driving a short distance, the agents began firing a barrage of bullets at his car for no reason, as a result of which Naghibi’s six-year-old son, Adnan Naghibi, was killed immediately due to being hit by several bullets. Naghibi himself was also hit in his thigh and taken to a hospital. Following his release from hospital, Naghibi filed a complaint against the Revolutionary Guard’s agents who fired a barrage of bullets at his car, killing his 6-year-old son as well as injuring himself.

Following the complaint, the Revolutionary Guard’s intelligence puts him under pressure to withdraw the complaint and give his consent. But Mr. Naghibi refuses to do so, subsequently The Revolutionary Guard’s intelligence threatens to arrest him. Eventually, Naghibi was arrested three months ago and taken to the solitary confinements of Saravan Prison. Since then, he has been under psychological torture by the Revolutionary Guard’s intelligence agents to withdraw his complaint. Naghibi was transferred to ward 3 of Zahedan Prison about 24 days ago.


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