Iran: Families of political prisoners have no information on their loved ones



NCRI – Nearly 40 days after the brutal raid and arrest of five political prisoners of the 1980s and their children, their families are still unable to visit them in the notorious Evin prison.

The political prisoners’ family approach and call on Evin prison and the prosecutor almost every day and ask about their condition and demand their release.

But the prosecutor’s secretary insults them. The prosecutor, Abbas Jafari Dowlat Abadi, is on the list of international human rights violators.

The prisoners are in ward 209 of Evin prison. Those who are detained include:

(1) Ms. Akran Sanjari, 55, a political prisoner of the 1980s and her 17-years-old son Milad Yazdan Nejad; Ms. Sanjari has diabetes and the mullahs’ torturers deny her treatment to put pressure on her.

(2) Ms. Dina Karami, 50, and her son Hanif Attarzadeh.

(3) Asef Rezaiyan, 18. Asef’s father is a political prisoner of the 1980s.

On Monday February 18 around 06:30 am, a multitude of the mullahs’ intelligence agents raided the homes of the arrestees and transferred them to the torture chambers in Evin prison without telling their families the reason for their arrests.

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